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Shut The Barn Door!

Our youngest child Kennedy is so in love with horses! Every time she sees a horse she will shout "Horsey, look momma horsey" We just moved into our new home in May and I knew what I wanted do for her room. After my hubby took over her old room she was sent to the play room!

This is the amazing little play house that came with our home! The kids were thrilled. When we first got here, the kids wanted it for a play room so all the toys were placed in the play house when we arrived. Although in true kids fashion the toys did not stay in the play house for long and were strung though out the basement. So the room as emptied and Kennedy moved on in. Let operation Barn commence. lol


Yes! I know random Picture you're thinking. I promise it has a purpose! The wood for this project had to come from some where. The kids were not happy that it had to come down but it was rotting from the inside out. :( bye play structure.


So the process of taking out 782,367,237,648 screws began! Ok so there wasn't that many screws but you get the point. There was a lot.


Still going at it. 12 Hours later (sponge bob narator). I am just kidding.


I took measurements earlier that morning to see how big I wanted the barn door to be, So I messed with the placement of the wood till I got the look I wanted. I then cut the strips of wood to fit together and screwed it all together. I don't have someone to take picture while I am cutting so sorry there is no pictures of that happening. But I will say that its pure joy on my face when I get to use my miter saw!


I love making a mess on my work bench and getting to clean it up. I had nailed down the top rail with thin nails, but in true toddler fashion she ripped it off so I screwed it back down later in the evening.


I still need to get some hinges for the door. I know your probably thinking the door has a big gap between it and the door, but I don't want any pinched fingers. I don't need to add more crying to my house than I already have. lol


Well here it is! Aww I am In LOVE with it! I decided to add the cross beams later in the evening and I think it ties it all together! Soon I will paint the out side walls red and we will have a barn inside our basement. (this is as close to a barns as I will get) I have more plans for the inside of her room and the big kids rooms too. So stay tuned and subscribe to stay up dated! (coffee the horse says hi)

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